Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My lovely cousin Jane in England posted this on her blog and I wanted to share with my friends!

Sometimes I feel like I am too old to have taken this crazy turn in my life, but then I get a message like this that just encourages me that I did the right thing. I am really happy and loving the expansion I feel in myself. I also get a little freaked sometimes when I realize the enormity of what I have done. I also get sad when I feel how much I miss my friends. Its an adjustment. The range of emotions is gratifying in that I was not really accessing that when I was in Ca. Just guess I was in a rut.

I am in almost daily contact with one person or another and have been receiving lots of texts and emails from everyone. Thank you for that it keeps me feeling connected. My beautiful, amazing, fabulous, loving daughters have also been a source of strength and wisdom. They are so supportive of my breaking out. It is awesome to see the resilience, confidence and competence they have, and to know I had a bit to do with it. Of course, they have taught me well about love, life, happiness, and rolling with the punches. We are each on our own boat, and we are in the river together going with the flow! Life is an adventure, and I am grateful to be able to be present and accounted for.

On a more concrete subject, I have been offered an opportunity to join a small counseling therapy group called New Beginnings. It's a foot in the door for me, not entirely sure how they will use my experience, but am confident that I have something to share and that I will learn a lot too! I am now a Qualified Mental health Practitioner in the state of Va.!! Amazing how just tweaking your resume can open doors! Everyone here has been very generous with contacts, information, referrals, and more contacts. Once I started reaching out, it started to come back, and it keeps coming. of course to hedge my bet I also applied to Whole Foods!! I will substitute at a few preschools also to supplement and continue to make contacts.

I continue to realize how lucky I am and am touched by how warm and gracious everyone has been. I enjoy meeting new people and finding out new things. I am reading Temple Grandin's book Animals in Translation which has reminded me of the uniqueness of our brains. Her observations and conclusions are so obvious and yet we can be so blind to what is right in front of us. My animals continue to be a source of comfort and remind me daily of how flexible we can be.

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