Friday, October 18, 2013

Oct 1-17 2013
Wow it has been a whirlwind! The movers were a day and a half later than scheduled, which was nerve wracking, but oh so helpful. I was not really as ready as I thought I was. Many angels arrived just at the right times to help me. Henry found a roll of foam core to wrap my paintings in and Kevin Boles gave me an air conditioning unit box. Susan Bejarano helped me get the paintings wrapped up and form the cardboard sleeves for packing up, a big task which I could not have done alone. Dulce came and labelled all my boxes and helped to clean up the house for the renters. Kathleen showed up with snacks and had helped me pack for weeks, she vacuumed and also provided dinner and a bed on my second to last night in Sonoma Co. Liz and Mary took me out to dinner in Sonoma and gave me a hat, gloves and a scarf to ward against the cold east!

On Thursday Oct 3 I returned from Sonoma to Laguna rd to greet the carpet cleaner and finish collecting the last bits of stuff going in the car. Said goodbye to my amazing staff, and picked up my pillows I left at Kathleens. I got Hannah some lunch at Willowood and drove it over to Occidental to give some hugs and share a laugh about  Sage, the cat, howling in the car! I went to the library to get some books on CD, and then to Kaiser for my flu shot! I indulged in a last In and Out burger and drove away!

The cat calmed by then and rode gunshot in a big crate donated by Robin! Skye had a nice nest in the back! Down through Marin, across the Richmond Bridge and away I went. I made it to Bakersfield that night around 8 and stayed at the Doubletree where my pets were welcome! Finding pet friendly hotels turned out to be a minor difficulty but with the help of Wendy and Kathleen as tech support it was done!

I arrived Friday night in Albuquerque around 10, one time zone away! I lost a half hour in Flagstaff searching for a Starbucks and yelling at my GPS and realizing how badly challenged I still am with lefts and rights! No Starbucks in sight I magically ended up back on 40 E and continued driving! Would have given my first born for a cup right then!! Not really honey!!

I spent 3 lovely days with Wendy and Nelle and sister Loey. The balloons were pretty, the Botanical Biopark was beautiful, the food great! Sage was freaked but started to relax. He had arrived home on the Oct 1st holding his paw and now was not putting any weight on it! I figured rest for some days immobile in the crate would take care of it. Skye was happy to be out of the car and getting walks! 

We left ABQ on Tuesday morning 10/8 and drove to Oklahoma City. With a new routine starting to emerge, I shlepped the cat box, the dog, and my stuff into the hotel, fed and watered the animals, and went to get food for me! Craving a glass of wine, a salad and a baked potato I went to a ribs place assuming all would be good! No baked potatoes!! What kind of rib joint does not have a baked potato!

The next day we made Memphis! Only got lost once, but was mightily freaked out by a panhandler at my car window as I was furiously trying to find out where I went wrong on my phone! I shrieked and scared the poor guy, yelling my apology and that I was sorry I could not help him I drove off like a crazy woman! A little soul weary already and spooked I found my hotel and decamped. The clerk had told me to call Marlowes and they would come pick me up in a pink cadillac and take me to the restaurant and back!! What fun! Well no, they could not help me until 8:30 and by then I would be dead! So I drove over there myself, sighting Graceland on the way. Elvis Presley Blvd is a sight, no real restaurants, just fast food, and then there is Marlowes, just past The Heartbreak Hotel! Baked potato here I come! Finally satisfied I chatted with a traveling salesman from Denver who had been there since 5:30! Interesting...

Graceland was on the agenda for Thursday morning. Parked in the shade so the animals would be ok, I embarked on the tour! Oh my how tacky can you get! A little bit of 60's decor goes a long way, trust me. Green carpeting on the floor and walls! Ugly furniture, so strange. Amazing crazy costumes, gold, silver, and platinum records, photos and more. Everything Elvis indeed. It was fun, but no need to go again. I did not know he was buried there, nor that he had a twin who died at birth! Just imagine 2 Elvis Presleys!!

Knoxville the next night, uneventful having perfected the routine by now! Driving was so easy, just set the cruise control, load up 6 CD's and go! I listened to On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwen and Escape by Barbara Delinsky. Odd choices, but it was what I grabbed!

Charlottesville was reached Friday afternoon and I went directly, after getting lost 3 times, to the vet. The cat was not better and I was worried he might really have broken something. No, just a hurt shoulder, dehydrated and a fever. Antibiotics, IV fluids, pain meds and he is now on the mend a week later!

Shockingly my moving truck arrived that evening at 7:30! I thought I would have the weekend to sleep and enjoy my sisters home. Oh well, unload and set up beds took till 9:30 when Diana and Peter left and I kept unpacking for hours. It was like Christmas seeing what I had packed weeks ago! I really enjoyed setting up my little apt and figuring out where and how to use what I brought! 

So it has been a week since I arrived and my apt is settled, pets are settling.   the steps up to apt are a little tricky for Skye, but with some mats, and practice she is building motor memory and getting the knack of it! Sage remains indoors, sleeping a lot, watching out the widows, but content. I am the cripple now! I fell walking in the woods at my sisters crossing a plank over a brook! OUCH! Think it is just a sprain. Peter looked with his little xray machine and did not see any breaks. So rest, ice, compression and elevation for me! Plenty of Arnica, Ibuprofen, and Rescue Remedy too!

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